Saturday, January 29, 2011

February is Kindness month in 252!

Starting Sunday February 6 we will be studying Kindness in 252.  Kindness is "showing others they are valuable by how you treat them."  This month our storytellers will be Russ and Kirby DeLozier.  We will be encouraging your children to "go crazy" in the way they show kindness toward others.

This month you might want to challenge your students with the concepts discussed on Sunday mornings by asking them what they are learning about kindness and how they might be more proactive about showing kindness at home.  Below I have listed a week by week overview of the different bible passages we will be discussing and the themes for each week.

February 6:
Bible Story: Golden Rule (The principle of the Golden Rule) • Luke 6:17-20,27-36
Bottom Line: Do to others what you want them to do to you.

February 13:

Bible Story: Child Care (Jesus and the children) • Mark 10:13-16
Bottom Line: Treat others the way Jesus would treat them.

February 20:

Bible Story: You Belong (the least of these) • Matthew 25:35-40
Bottom Line: Treat others as if they belong to God.

February 27:
Bible Story: Second Chance (Barnabas and Paul) • Acts 9:26-30
Bottom Line: Do for your enemies what they wouldn’t do for you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Coming King

This video is a beautiful reminder of our coming king this Christmas.  The children of Israel literally groaned in expectation of their restoration at the coming of this king of whom Isaiah spoke.  This king was to be God with us (Is 9:7) and he would suffer on out behalf (Is 53).  Let's turn and worship him for his coming this Christmas!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family Thanksgiving Meal

Don't forget this Sunday night is the Family Thanksgiving Meal at 6:00.  You do not want to miss this...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marriage Moment

I had a husband and father from our church call me today.  He was asking me about a song he heard on the radio that had meant something to him in his role as father and husband.  After helping him find the song he was looking for I felt it would be a great way of encouraging some of the couples in our church with not just the music video, but also a video that tells the powerful story behind the song.  Both are below.

Uniqueness - Odd Man Out

Do you believe God can use anybody?  What about social outcasts who eat bugs and have poor hygiene?  Well he did in the life of John the Baptist.  John would not fit the mold of a church leader in our day, but he was God's chosen man to proclaim repentance before the coming of the son of God.

This week in 252 we'll talk about John and the way that God made him unique and then used him in a unique way.  We believe God created every single child in our church in a unique way for a unique purpose.  Will you as parents join with us to challenge our kids this week to think about how God has made them unique?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Family Yard Sale

Saturday October 23rd we had 17 Fellowship families set up tables for our first Family Yard Sale!  We all had a great time, made some sales, and at the end of the day we were able to donate two truck and trailer loads of stuff Richard Steele's ministry at Chaplain's Place.
Here are some pictures:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

GROW High School Retreat

At our High School Retreat last weekend Josh Suddath taught us a helpful acronym to remember in the process of spiritual growth.

G - God's grace - It is only by God's grace that we can be saved and all of our growth is initiated by him.  You don't make yourself grow, Go gives the increase.

R - Repentance - It is God's grace that leads us to repentance and as he grows us he continually leads us to a life of greater and greater repentance.

O - OH! - Sometimes God does things so incredible that all we can do is stop and cry "Oh Lord!" in worship to him.

W - Word - It is God's word that allows us to see him and learn his will, as well as see ourselves in our remaining sinfulness.  Yet Christ makes us righteous at the foot of the cross.